Audric Paquett
Book keeper located in ishgard
lover of history and unsolved mysteries
Audric Paquett
Name: Audric Paquet
Age: Late 20s
Height: 5'2''
Weight: 133lbs
Race: Seeker of the Sun - Miquo'te
Sexuality: Pansexual
Extras: He technically doesn't need glasses,
but he wears them as he doesn't like
foreign objects in his eyes.
Audric Paquett
Born as the average Miqo'te, Audric was really nothing special; born to a mother and father in the Shroud. He decided to make a home for himself in Ishgard when he met an old man at a Gridania market. He was selling various old books, and it grew on Audric.
He became obsessed, and left home when he was old enough to hold his own. He doesn't like to talk about his family as they didn't support his decision.
Audric even went to the extent to change his name to what it is now. No one may ever find out what it used to be. He's quite closed off when it comes to his past.
Regardless, you'll always find him with a book in his hand, or searching for one.
Audric Paquett
Audric Paquett
In Game - Perceus Dalthen (On Balmung)
Free Company - The New Dawn
Discord - #flourae0771
If you have any other questions, Discord is probably your best bet!
I'm always looking for RP!